Liver detoxification pathways without tests?
Hi Anca, I'm sorry you feel not so good. You will know your liver is not good if you feel angry, tired and especially if you can press under your ribs on the right side of your body and it is painful.
Here's what your do. Lie on a bed and relax. Move your shirt up to expose your stomach area. Gently and deeply breathe in... Then gently breathe out... As you breathe out, gently press the four fingers of your right hand under your ribs. If your liver is healthy, NO pain or tenderness. If pain of any kind, it could be an unhappy of slightly enlarged liver.
Eat fresh and raw foods if your liver is not happy, NO alcohol, fatty foods (like salami, sausage, animal fats, bacon, pig, etc). You liver leeks fresh beetroot and carrot. It likes olive oil, artichoke and dandelion leaves and roots. It likes fresh apples, especially green apples. Eating a healthier diet is the first step. Let me know how you get on Anca, all the best.