The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.05.28

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Marc from Canada. Marc and I will be discussing Dimitri Khalezov and 9/11. Has Dimitri figured out what actually happened on 9/11 and who was responsible?

John Friend's Blog
Mike Harari, Mossad, and 9/11
It has long been clear that 9/11 was carried out operationally by the Israeli Mossad. This devastating false flag terrorist attack was facilitated, assisted and covered-up by a powerful international network of individuals in and out of government that are dedicated to Zionism and the state of Israel. The attack was successful largely as a result of the false narrative and disinformation (i.e., Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda) immediately put forth by the Zionist-owned Western media. Facts and information that fail to validate, or attempt to even remotely challenge, the foreign policy objectives of the Zionist-occupied U.S. government rarely see the light of day. Mainstream American journalists' primary role and duty is to protect and uncritically pass along the viewpoints of American policy makers, in effect giving cover to their criminal behavior, all the while attacking and criticizing others who dare to challenge those in power. It's not a stretch to characterize mainstream journalism as, in essence, the public relations arm of the criminal elements controlling the government and those that carried out 9/11.

I've been interested in just how 9/11 was pulled off for some time now. Many 9/11 Truth advocates I talk to argue-- not at all incorrectly-- that since we know the official story is a complete farce, it is vital to open up a new investigation, and hold those responsible for the cover-up accountable. Also, many 9/11 Truth activists conduct their outreach efforts by pointing out the obvious flaws, inconsistencies, and outright fabrications put forth and uncritically disseminated by the government and mainstream media (and thus, much of society). I'm not opposed to either of those arguments or efforts. However, any officially sanctioned investigation-- assuming there will be another official investigation, which doesn't seem likely-- will most assuredly be compromised. After all, the entire political establishment is complicit in the false flag attack on 9/11, so it will take independent, honest researchers and insiders to get to the bottom of what happened that day. Basing 9/11 Truth outreach efforts on the many demonstrably false assertions advanced by those in the U.S. government and media is indeed a sound, coherent strategy. On this blog, I'm more interested in exploring the forces behind 9/11-- the "who," and "why"-- and how the operation was successfully executed. I'd argue that we will never know all the facts, but we can do our research and make an educated guess by connecting dots, clues, and bits of information together to reach a coherent conclusion.

And that's what we'll try to do today. Dmitri Khalezov, who I featured in a post a while back, may be a big part in helping us understand exactly what happened on 9/11. (Sorry the referenced post has been removed)

Before we jump into Dimitri Khalezov's claims, I think it's important to go through the copious amount of information that ties the state of Israel and an international network of Zionists directly to the prosecution and subsequent cover-up of the false flag attack on 9/11.

- 911 PHOTOS
- 911THOLOGY - Dimitri Khalezov
The Third Truth - 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov (Free Book 11 Chapters)


Dimitri Khalezov Interview w/ Gordon Duff

911 ISRAEL CONNECTION Gordon Duff Interviews Ex-Soviet Nuclear Intelligence Special Ops


Published on Sep 11, 2013

Gordon Duff from the excellent Intelligence Journal, Veterans Today interviews ex Soviet Nuclear Intelligence agent Dimitri Khalezov on the nuclear underground explosions in the WTC's, and Israeli involvement on the day of that event.

Additional SOURCE
