11 y
Re: does anyone else think its strange???
As with many, you all seem to want the gov big titty to take care of you, whereas the real deal is that Americanism is self-government, in theory. It fails when "we the people" stop depending on themselves and begin depending on others.
You know about iodine, salt, potassium, etc. , so , that's wonderful.
I think its delusionary to permit others to do things for one, that they should do themselves, like health matters, educate the children, feed the family, etc. But that's the way of most people nowadays, they're mostly basically incompetent to handle their own affairs. Maybe there is a "conspiracy" but who really cares ? Most of the people are idiots, and what is the loss to the world if billions of useless consumers were to disappear ? The alternate is a world full of more-ons who's population increases exponentially ? No, the population bubble will pop just like the bubble popped, and there's nothing that can be done to save the billions of useless eaters. Pick up a math book and study exponential growth in any system. It is natural Law that billions of people will perish and cannot be stopped. I predict the world's human population to be 500 million or fewer within 50 years.