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Re: The bad breath cure
roofingokc Views: 1,588
Published: 11 y
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Re: The bad breath cure

i finally got rid of it guys! im so freakin excited to start my life im 30 years old and had this problem since i was 14.nobody knew what it was, not the dentist or doctors they sucked and wre a waste of time.i didnt think it was my wisdom teeth but that was the problem i was cured. my freakin breath smelled worse than crap ot was like sewage and now its been a month and im sure its gone.i cant lie sometimes i get paranoid when im in a confined room because of so many bad experiences you guys know what im talking about.i had asked the dentist if it was my wisdom teeth giving me bad breath and he said he didnt think it was,he was so wrong.just to think if i would of gotten them removed a long time ago.excuse my grammer my writing sucks but im copying and pasting this on all the forums incase it can help someone else.i got all 4 wisdom teeth removed and bad breath is totally gone except for some normal morning breath i can actually go to church now and sit beside people and not panic you guys who have this problem know that little things like that are huge for us. and by the way i thought it was tonsil stones then my sinuses then my stomach i went through a process and nothing helped the nasal irrigator with some gse helped a little and i was starting to think it was post nasal drip but it was my wisdom teeth. im not saying this will work for everyone but it did ot for me and i hope ths post will help someone else because fecal bad breath is a curse so ill keep copying and pasting this message.


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