Hi all. I am a mess right now but somehow God gets me through. I am HIV positive and now have AIDS. (Only 6 Tcells 3wks ago). I had two Funerals this year and the traveling and emotional stress brought my health to a real low. I have not been on meds for 3-4 yrs now. I was already a mess but since the funerals I have had chronic diarrhea and it is now yellow constantly and really foul smelling, also has these white rice or wormlike things floating when it is really bad. I have Hepatitis B as well. Both HIV & B #'s were really bad so I am now taking Kaletra, Dapsone, Truvada, and Oxandrin for weight gain. I was taking Fluconazole for the thrush but that went away. I don't think my diarrhea was yellow until after I started taking the Fluconazole. Is there any relationship? Could this have damaged any organs. I know my kidneys and liver are weak. Or could it be Giardia Lamblia? Our water report said we had Cryptosporidium so I got an Aquasana filter. I have cats and would hate to get rid of them. I have read that my Gallbladder may cause yellow diarrhea if not working properly. I did a Gallbladder cleanse (Olive Oil, Epson salt lemmons form Dr. Clarks book) but did not see any stones. I really hate taking meds as I think they just cause more problems. A few herbs that have helped are Pau D Arco, Licorice, Olive Leaf Combo, and I think Collidal Silver may have helped but not sure. But even those are failing now. I am miserable with this can anyone suggest food or herbs or meds that may help. God Bless YOU!