Dont know about a hematologist.
Sorry to disappoint you but: I saw 2 infectious disease docs. The first one brushed me off because I had not traveled overseas and did not have gaping, bleeding wounds. She offered no testing and spent 5 minutes with me failing to listen to me after I traveled 4 hours one way. The 2nd one condescending to me, had same excuses, also offering no testing, also only spending 5 minutes. Large bills from both. That is not to say all would act in such an unacceptable manner. It would be important to check consumer ratings and prefer a teaching hospital. Maybe check out an Environmental Doctor? Or get your family doc to refer you to a Tropical Disease doc. Sometimes they treat non travelers. Also check out the Parasitology Center in Arizona offering diagnostic services. Here is website:
www. parasitetesting. com (with no spaces)
Good luck. PS My immune system was really sapped but I feel stronger when I drink Echinacea tea every day ( and chew on contents of tea bag.)