Oxygen Destroys FBB, FBO, BO, Halitosis
I'm not going to bore you or waste your time with a long story. Suffice it to say, I've been suffering since 7th Grade, and it came on SPONTANEOUSLY, and I couldn't smell it, but everyone else could smell the s*** smell. It had ruined my life for over 15 years. I have researched this meticulously for the last five or so.
I have tried everything under the sun to try to cure it. Liver Cleanse, Water-Only Fasting, Juicing, Candida Diet,
colonic Irrigation, Teas, Enemas, and about every supplement they have in Vitamin Shoppe/Super Sup etc.
I have found that the Fecal
Body Odor /BB itself, generally falls under four main categories:
1. Fetor Hepaticus (late-stage liver disease).
2. Periodontal Disease (poo breath).
3. Nasal/Throat/Mucous Issues: When excess mucus drips down into the back of the throat some of it may break down into Methyl Mercaptan, which has a fecal odor to it. This is why many nasal sufferers have FBB, it is because they have excess mucus they cannot get rid of. You would have to stay permanently on a low (or no) mucus food regimen, namely fruits, vegetables etc. to minimize or eliminate this.
4. Leaky Gut Syndrome. This is what I believe to be the main culprit for FBO and, in general, many other health problems. It is mainly cause in my opinion by SYSTEMIC CANDIADISIS, which help to weaken the gut. Systemic Candiadisis is nearly impossible to get rid of. No Anti-Candida Diet, Water fasting, Probiotics will cure it. You won't even cure it with antifungals. I have tried every antifungal: Pau D'Arco, Cinnamon Bark Oil, Caprylic Acid,
Black-Walnut , Baking Soda, many more etc. There are many things that can get rid of Candida/Thrush. Some homepathic remedies such as Mercurius Vivus are extremely effective. The best TWO THINGS I have tried are taking Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Diluted down to 3%) and buying a Water OZONATOR. The hydrogen peroxide not only cured my thrush (white tongue), but cured the last of my acne, gave me more energy, and cured my other ailments. It is also important to take a fiber supplement and lots of water while doing anything to keep the gut "un-blocked" so that you can remove the toxins from your system more effectively. There are many books on Oxygen/Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide therapies on Amazon which are very good and explain how it works in more detail.
Once the Candida is gone from your system, it is easier to rebuild the gut. Probiotics such as water kefir and Dr. Ohhira's are fantastic. L-Glutamine and other supplements will also strengthen the gut.