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Re: Can someone please help?
cnev Views: 1,266
Published: 11 y
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Re: Can someone please help?

Hello Jerome, I have read many posts on curezone but never participated. But I would like to ask you a question because I have similar problems to yours. I have a rather large spermatocele or testicular cyst and I think you did too. I am using castor oil mixed with essential oil of cedar and also taking internally homeopathic cedar. I am also high in cadmium, uranium and manganese and am taking a homeopathic form of these elements to encourage the body to eliminate them. I think the cyst is a result of the heavy metals. I am also taking lapis albus for the cysts. I also have lots of candida which I think is also a result of heavy metals. I am starting to drink kefir from raw milk. Can you give me some advice on these subjects. Thank you


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