Re: 3 Secrets About Our Sun EDIT
>> This is where Ra comes in, and of course the 'usual suspects' that altered Ra into other gods, any questioning of those new gods as 'fact' was heresy and punishable by death..
All big lies have a law behind them that stops questioning the lie.. <<
Your question makes me think of this question that ponders me about Gold as Edible or Wearable:
AM I worshiping something that gives me warmth and protection that doesn't have my best interest of my body?
The more i read about the Sun the more i am hesitate to take Edible or even wear it let alone the jinn or something that possess the jewelery.
It seems to be one Vicious Cycle..
Then there is this also note-able:
Amun relates to "Amen".
So we have so called Christians worshipping false gods and affirming it through "Amen" or "Amun".
This Matrix seems to be one Giant Cosmic Machine..