The researchers found that the compounds work quickly, too, which was an important characteristic. The treatable fungal yeast can transition to a hyphal growth ...
The researchers found that the gymnemic acid compounds converted the biofilm back to treatable yeast cells.
Important note, candida is a real but it is usually a SYMPTOM of something larger. If you have have been trying to treat candida for more than 3 months unsuccessfully, you probably should investigate further on what is causing the rapid growth to continue (growing faster than you can kill it). While a damaged gut flora is a contributing factor, there are some other causes that can allow candida to grow rapidly. Some causes for this fast over growth include low stomach acid, h. pylori bacteria (1 study shoed 20% of patients with candida overgrowth also had h. pylori overgrowth), low bile production (gall bladder issue), lyme disease, mercury fillings, and other autoimmune diseases. A good functional medicine doctor can help to figure out what's wrong.