You have to start asking the right questions!
You know, if you ask the right question, you will find the right answer.
Why is there extreme smell under your armpits?
Cause there is bad bacteria there eating your sweat and producing smelly juices.
Why is the bad bacteria there?
Cause your sweat contains something the bad bacteria likes, and in the same time the bad bacterai also colonized your armpits because the good bacteria is gone for good.
Why is the good bacteria gone for good?
Cause it could not compete with the bad bacteria, and also possibly cause you killed it will all the possible topical treatemnts.
How can I restore the microbiota of my armpits, so the good bacetria pushes away the bad one?
You first have to restore the environment. You have to restore your sweat. You have to eliminate from your sweat the bad "things" (things = organic chemicals ) that are not suppose to be there in the first place.
Why are the bad things in my sweat? How to restore my sweat to the notmal level?
The bad things are in your sweat cause they are in your blood. Your sweat glands are your best friend. Your sweat glands are trying to help you clean up the system.
Why are the bad things in my blood?
Two possibilities:
#1 Your organs that are suppose to naturally eliminate (filter) the bad things from your blood are not working the way they shoud, so the bad things stay in your blood.
#2 Your organs that are suppose bring good things (nutrients) into your blood are damaged so they are not only bringing good things into your blood, but also te bad things.
What organs #1 ?
Liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and lungs.
What organs #2 ?
Your intestines.
How can I fix those problems with those organs?
NOT BY USING deodorants, that is for sure!
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