what "if"
This Spring cold blast of air that lasted 3 days reaching 0 degrees, 100% killed the black berries above ground and probably will recover from the roots, but yet to be seen-----
WHAT "IF" due to sun rays or some bazaar radiation or crazy world wide weather all food on earth stopped for 7 years-----such as was suggested by the ancient monks in the stories of the Egyptians storing up enough grains to last them through 7 years of bad times when no food will grow…….
WHAT if history repeats and such a thing would happen? Surely it has happened plenty of times…..huge volcanoes can devastate the earth as far as growing food goes…..scientist fear the sun so badly that the governments stock piled ever type of seed----suggesting they want to be prepared……as they also have prepared to hide under ground.
WHAT if you opened your door 1 morning and every tree, every plant and every bug was dead? That might suggest why truckers have been heard saying that they have for many years they have literally trucked millions of pounds of food into under ground cities….cities the working stiff is never told about in his public school education or does he have a free entry pass…
BAZZAR circumstances can happen and they can happen in a day, less than a day, even 1 minute can change the course of life on earth……major government has spent trillions of preparations for "special" people to ride hard time out……seems they have some belief in those old monk inspired bible stories.
In as little as 1 day, you could spend the rest of your life defending your self and seeking food and most of all----on foot, with no fuel and quickly no ammo----people would turn primitive in literally a few days and all would try to get to the oceans with the hopes that the fish were OK…
History shows cities at the bottom of the oceans, cities inside solid mountains, astroids punching holes and we are just living in the "calm" between each event.
Calm for some, not so calm for others depending where you were born….
IT NEVER HURTS to be mildly prepared…..and always the first protection is your health---those that can't protect from the plagues in past history have filled the ground.