Wonderful Oleander Advanced Brain Cancer Success Report & the Protocol Used
A Wonderful Oleander Advanced Brain Cancer Success Report Plus Dr. Swanepoel's Anti-Cancer Protocol
On April 27, 2014, Dr. Marc Swanepoel received this wonderful success report from someone whose sister has beaten brain cancer using oleander and other items suggested by Dr. Swanepoel. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dr. Swanepoel, he is the naturopathic PhD who developed the Sutherlandia OPC oleander-based line of supplements.
Dear Dr. Swanepoel:
I had to write to tell you that this past year when I contacted you in regard to my sister having brain cancer, you recommended certain protocols for her plus certain of your pills. Since that time, it has been nothing short of a miracle, and my sister's tumors in her brain are completely gone. She had no chemotherapy or other treatment. She, at the time of taking your pills, could not even talk where anyone could understand her, and today they cannot find any tumors in her brain. A complete miracle, so thank you so much.
Thank you for helping my sister completely recover from brain cancer. Everyone in our family knows it is only because of your recommendation that she is alive today.
Here is Dr. Swanepoel's suggested protocol that he mails out with every order of his Sutherlandia OPC supplement:
Suggested Protocol for Sutherlandia OPC from Marc Swanepoel
To maximize the effectiveness of the S/OPC I also suggest the protocol below (for cancer, HIV/AIDS, Hep C, Lupus, ALS and neurological problems). The 5 most important items are (a) S/OPC (b) NAC (c) Curcumin (d) liver cleanse and (e) try to cut out animal proteins.
Marc Swanepoel, PhD
Protocol for cancer
(1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.
(2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein.
(3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind you otherwise they will surely kill you.
(4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm
(5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).
(6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice is a good example.
(7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.
(8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.
(9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.
(10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer protocol http://www.tbyil.com/anticancer.htm )
(11) Add highly bioavailable turmeric or curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).
(12) For very advanced cases of fungal infection, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive leaf extract on a daily basis.
(13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day after meals.
(14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.
About Dr. Swanepoel:
Marc Swanepoel is a Naturopathic PhD and longtime cancer and HIV pioneer, researcher and crusader. Among many notable achievements, he is the developer of the oleander-based Sutherlandia OPC supplement line which has been used around the world against cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis-C and much more.
See also:
A Rational Theory of Cancer
A Brief Discussion on Oleander's Effectiveness Against Cancer
Case Reports and Studies on Oleander
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Cancer Fighting Oleander Plant
Unsolicited Testimonials about Oleander Based Supplementation
Oleander Extract for Cancer Successfully Passes Phase I FDA Trial
Apoptosis/Necrosis versus Cancer as a Defense Mechanism - And Why N-Acetyl Cysteine is Essential for Beating Cancer