Poisoning BILLIONS of people, and animals, and rivers, and lakes
"The conclusions, in short, are that Roundup, the most widely used weed killer in the world, is found in the main foods we eat—sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Its main component, glyphosate, inhibits the enzyme of the human body that plays a crucial biological role detoxifying xenobiotics, and thereby exaggerates the toxic effects of other chemical residues in our chemically-saturated industrial foods or other environmental toxins.
Its damaging effects accumulate slowly so we do not realize until it is too late. Xenobiotics is the generic term referring to any foreign chemical substance found within an organism that is not normally naturally produced, such as
Antibiotics or other foreign chemicals.
Today some 80 percent of genetically modified crops, especially maize, soy, canola, cotton,
Sugar beets and most recently alfalfa, are specifically genetically modified to accept introduction of genes resistant to glyphosate, the so-called “Roundup Ready® feature.”
Monsanto and the agribusiness industry falsely claim Roundup and glyphosate is less toxic than aspirin. That has conveniently insured that the US government makes no special study of the toxicity dangers of Roundup or glyphosate herbicides, despite their massive increased usage in US agriculture since the mid-1990s, when
Genetically-Modified-Organisms commercial seeds began to spread across North American corn and soybean fields to where today they account for almost 100 percent of all soybeans and near 90 percent of all corn planted in the US.
In EU countries, owing to a convenient labeling loophole, that
Genetically-Modified-Organisms corn and soybean cocktail is imported as “power feed” for animals from the US or Argentina and Brazil and fed to most beef, dairy, pigs and chickens consumed in the EU. "