Re: Testimonial: the effects of drinking distilled water
Whoa! I don't know how long ago you posted and I totally agree with you about distilled water depleting needed minerals, but I hope you're not supplementing with Tungsten. All natural sources of minerals are great, but look at websites about high ratios of children with leukemia believed caused by high ratios of Tungsten -- in Fallon, Nevada, and Sierra Vista, Arizona. I'm thinking of moving to Sierra Vista or at least checking it out in the meantime, but a couple websites even link too much Tungsten to Stroke and I don't find any mention of how to get Tungsten OUT of tap water.. As for thyroid problems, I believe I know what gave me thyroid cancer - I was subjected to a HUGE number of dental X-rays over the years, especially closer to when the tumor in my neck was obvious. I regret allowing the surgeon to remove the whole Thyroid as only one of the 2 halves had cancer and I might not have had to take natural thyroid replacement the rest of my life or die if I still had half a thyroid, but they can't really tell if cancer has spread to both sides til after they take it out. I found a small study that had this finding about the cumulative effects of dental X-rays causing thyroid cancer. Since no one has any other explanation, it can't hurt to avoid over-dosing on anything -- tungsten, radiation, etc.