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Do it yourself PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) device
NotTwo Views: 8,536
Published: 11 y

Do it yourself PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) device

I have created a blog that describes how to make a low cost PEMF device using an MP3 player, an electromagnet coil, and some MP3 files. Most people have a device that can play MP3 file, whether its a smartphone, iPod, tablet, laptop, computer, stereo, etc. So the only investment to make a PEMF device is between $20 to $30 for an electromagnetic coil (commercial PEMF devices can cost between $3000 USD to $5000 USD). On this blog I have free downloads of MP3 files, with instructions on how to assemble the device and how to use the various MP3 files for pain relief, better sleep, better circulation, etc. Here is the site:



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