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Borax plus Iodine plus Niacinamide is working
Jerome99 Views: 9,915
Published: 11 y

Borax plus Iodine plus Niacinamide is working

I had been feeling so bad lately, actually getting worse despite taking so many different antifungals, that I decided to take drastic measures. I was having trouble functioning at work, my whole body hurt, and I kept passing large chunks of white yeast after my nightly enema.

I had avoided using borax again since I was a little afraid of it. I had tried it three years ago during my first candida crash and wasn't sure if it worked then. This time I figured I had nothing to lose, as I was close to quitting my job, so I went back to the borax. 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water to drink, and then I tried 1/4 tsp in an enema of 3 cups water. The same day I started taking 12 drops of 2% Lugol's (had taken before but stopped) and 1g of niacinamide a day.

After the first day I felt 60% better. The insanity feeling in my brain was gone and I was able to concentrate at work. By the second day I felt 80% better and my mental state was more or less normal. Today is the fifth day and I feel much, much better. Not 100%, but I feel like a living human again for the first time in months.

On the days I drink the borax I don't do the enema, and vice versa. Tonight is an enema night.

Also interesting that since starting the borax enemas I no longer get the disgusting white lumps of yeast after the enema. I got one big lump of it out the first night (the motherload?) and nothing else since.

It's possible that the niacinamide is also working with the borax. The Lugol's I doubt is doing much by itself since I took that for months without much effect.


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