Re: Spreading out the dosage
Got a solution today. I found that when I'm tired, I don't need a whole lot of
Iodine to pick myself up, 1 or 2 drops will do. And it seems the more I spread it out the better. So I took about 100mg in the morning, this 100mg won't be helping me around 1pm when the energy is down. So I put another 50mg in a small spray bottle with half water. That's my quota for the day. I carried the bottle with me to work, every time I ran out of energy, I put a few sprays on my tongue.
This worked wonder, I felt energetic all day without worrying about overdosing. Coffee won't do, I'm at the point where more coffee would just make me retarded for the rest of the day. I rationed the companient nutrients for the total amount of idoine. I was able to take it as late as 4 hours before bed and sleep pretty well last night. I even read a doc on here about an author using it before bed to feel great in the morning.
About the Vitamin C. I'm just gonna take it before bed. Screw it, too much thinking won't do me good. I'll adjust accordingly.