A few days ago Celtori brought up the topic of Goiters and iodine. I thought the links from curezone and earthclinic below might shed more light on the subject Among other things, the earthclinic site mentions using apple cider vinegar for shrinking goiters (I’d never heard that until now). Also, there may be a food allergy component – such as corn, dairy, soy, wheat etc, - many people on this site have improved their health just by eliminating all forms of wheat and wheat products from their diet. Reversing goiter may require a natural thyroid glandular extract for support. http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1762074 Good to be gluten free. Target 100 mg Iodoral (8 tabs) for your future, or 50 mg Iodoral and supplemental SSKI. Selenium is mandatory. Vit C, Vit B complex, zinc, magnesium. Extra pantothenic acid (B5) or pantethine to support your adrenals. Protein with breakfast. Restorative sleep. If you're hypothyroid, you may have trouble reducing your goiter (if you still have it) without thyroid extract support of some sort. That was true for me. Seemed I needed to get a thyroid boost before the iodine moved into my thyroid to reduce my goiter. I am now 100% goiter free. Yay! Note that although some people at earthclinic (below) are recommending kelp as an iodine source - Dr. Brownstein caution against using it. It is possible to find “clean” kelp thuogh if you search for it. http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=864521 Caution With Kelp Supplements -- Here are excerpts from earthclinic: http://earthclinic.com/CURES/goiter.html Whatever the cause of a goiter, several natural remedies serve as effective goiter and thyroid treatments. Apple cider vinegar taken daily works to shrink a goiter and regulate the body’s systems naturally. Kelp powder, bladderwrack and iodine supplements are also effective options for treating a goiter. Likewise, minimizing stress and participating in calming activities such as yoga help relieve fatigue and adrenal stimulation and may also help diminish a goiter or thyroid issue. -- 01/21/2013: Tina from Syracuse, New York replies: "All goiters are different and some can be cancerous you need to find the cause of your goiter before attempting to use any of the suggested products... a goiter caused by iodine deficiency will shrink if you're taking something with iodine supplements in it like kelp, but it will not work on a goiter caused by hormone deficiency or a cancerous, or tumors goiter which is why some people see shrinkage and others do not." -- 01/22/2013: Timh from Louisville, Ky, Usa replies: "The1model: Kelp is an excellent source of natural Iodine, but in some cases it's not enough. Fallow the recommendations for Lugols Iodine/Iodide on this site. If this doesn't work try nascent Iodine. Also, try Magnet Therapy directly over the affected area. Try a small music speaker magnet at least 10 min 2x daily. Also, take Zinc/C Lozenges as directed. People w/ Thyroid disorders often cannot convert Beta-carotene to Vit-A, so drop the Bc and take Vit-A soft-gels. I recommend taking the Vit-A by biting down on the gel and bursting it in the mouth while letting it diffuse through-out the entire local area (which includes both the very important Thyroid and Thymus Glands); you can also do this method with the Vit-E; swallow slowly." -- [NAY] 09/19/2010: Harley_girl_1000 from Mt. Dora, Fl: "10 years ago I developed goiter on both sides of the thyroid. Each side was as large as a golf ball and multi-nodular. The doctors said that my thyroid blood work was normal. One side spontaneously shrunk and the other continued to grow. I opted for surgical removal of the larger side and kept half of the thyroid. Although I am on natural dessicated thyroid, my life has never been the same. The day after surgery I felt strangely different. A month later I was impotent. My energy levels have never been what they were. It has affected my whole life and I've had to give up many dreams. Despite a careful diet and exercise, nothing was as good as my old thyroid. Not one of 4 endocrinologists mentioned iodine to me. Now I take several drops of Lugol's a week. I have heard that painting the goiter with iodine can help. China is injecting young brides with iodine to prevent cretinism. I know it is possible to shrink a goiter since the half that I kept was at one time larger than the half that was removed. This post is to emphasize NAY to surgical removal of the goiter." --
My research has shown that after testing over 4,000 patients for their iodine levels, over 96% of those tested are significantly low in iodine. Many patients ask me if they can take kelp instead of iodine. The amount of iodine in kelp can be variable. Furthermore, I was always concerned that kelp supplements may contain toxic amounts of arsenic or halides. I have tested 2 kelp supplements and found very elevated arsenic levels in both items… Researchers at the University of California/Davis found that eight out of nine kelp supplements contained abnormal levels of arsenic (Env. Health Perspectives, April, 2007).
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