I can't BELIEVE how fast these past 6 days have gone. The first Master-Cleanse I tried lasted 7 1/2 and each and every day was miserable and torturous!! What's the difference this time around? My attitude! I am trying to stay completely positive about this cleanse and the wonderful things it is doing for my body! I enjoy spending the "non-food" time doing other productive things. I try not to obsess over every food/restaurant commercial I see (although, the shrimp and lobster Joe's Crab Shack commercial is starting to get to me- lol!). I am not allowing myself to believe that I'm missing out on anything just because I'm not eating. When others eat, I enjoy the sight and smell of the food, but remind myself that I do NOT feel hungry! And so far, things have gone fantastically! I spent the entire 7 days of my first fast feeling like I was eternally hungry and life wasn't fair because my family gets to eat and I don't. Well, I made the CHOICE to fast and I need to remember my reasons and the joy that fasting will bring me. I will not give in this time around, I will carry my fast as long as I feel moved to, and when I break it will not be out of weakness or temptation but because I choose to!
Thanks for listening everyone... trucking on through day 6 and I'm loving it! :) Long live the lemonade!