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Re: Taking pituitary glandular equal setbacks in AF recovery, insomnia and anxiety?
wiredgeneration Views: 4,049
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Re: Taking pituitary glandular equal setbacks in AF recovery, insomnia and anxiety?

I think the many people healed by the Cymer Centre, following Dr Poesneckers and his use of glandular therapy would probably disagree.

My thoughts are that if something is removed abruptly, then its sure as hell going to cause a massive disruption in any system, dosent matter if its a glandular, vitamin C or something simple like paracetamol. Take it for years, it becomes like food. Take high dose vitamin C everyday for a year, then stop taking it, the s**t will definitely hit the fan! (trust me on that one :))

Glandulars are not that 'amazing', then dont give you the ability to plan a holiday to oz or to go to Grad school only true healing can do that, but we have to remember, even when we do get to a point where things are good, our systems will always be weak unfortunately for a good many years yet and a big impact like a cold turkey detox of something will sure as hell send some shock waves.

We will for many years after normal existance is resumed, be 'managing' AF, despite being fairly symptom free, so I guess your kinda right Tena imo


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