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Re: day 19 - High body temperature, feel cold. Lots of thick green mucus, difficult to bring up. No parasites but suspect candida on the run.
BrandyS Views: 2,011
Published: 11 y
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Re: day 19 - High body temperature, feel cold. Lots of thick green mucus, difficult to bring up. No parasites but suspect candida on the run.

Hi!! I am relevantly new to humaworm and parasites and deworming so I can only offer up my experience.

My first cleanse there was a week that I had a fever of 102-103 for about five days. My husband had to stay home from work because I could not get out of bed! Once I passes whatever was in my guts (which was GINORMOUS-I still don't know what it was, could have been candida or even a parasite nest, it was different), my fever broke. So I think a fever can be normal!

Secondly, your sharp shootey pain, can you explain it a little further? I was diagnosed with an ulcer that hurt quite sharply. It was near my heart and would hurt pretty bad depending on what I ate or mood I was in, then when I started humaworm it started to wiggle. It was awful!

Please don't give up! You are really on your way, and this month of cleansing is TOUGH! It is not easy, but so worth it! I didn't realize how much of a worm load I had until we started out first cleanse. We have done two so far and will do our third in May. I didn't really see too many worms until my SECOND cleanse..then the BIG ones started to come out! So, keep going, don't loose heart!


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