I have been using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in my neti pot for years now. I used to use a drop or two of unactivated Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in approximately a cup of saline solution. More than that would burn. NEVER use activated Miracle-Mineral-Supplement directly, since the acid from the activation will burn. Now I use CDS in the neti pot. I make the CDS from mixing MMS and acid and allowing the CD gas to diffuse into water. Then I put a splash of the gas-infused water (CDS) into the saline solution for the neti pot. I test with a chlorine strip to make sure the CD concentration is not too high. If it is too high it will burn. Get some pool test strips and work out what is the right concentration for you. I find that if I keep it in the range of what they say is normal for a swimming pool, that is very effective in cleansing the nasal passages but does not burn.