Interesting GB experience. The body speaks the mind.
I had a GB attack this week. It was a bad one. Before if I got one I used
Epsom Salts and now i cannot since my kidneys are having their own issues. They would not like it. So I was pretty miserable and changed my diet. Still no luck.
I also realized that the GB was acting up becuase i got angry with a friend last weekend. It took me a few days to realize what i had brought on. The issue was IN MY FACE... (no -- it was stuck in my GB. LOL.)
I happened to have a long awaited appointment at a new chiropractor the next day... I suffered along and decided to tell her about the GB and how it got started. She said "we are going to have to do something about that stuffed anger... Ha...NO kidding. there is always EFT but somehow working on oneself does not work as well.
She did pressure release points 2x.. and walla.
When i walked out i felt much better and it did not come back altho i have eaten veggies for another day... and am taking it easy... soon i will do a liver flush. Our issues are not outside of ourselves for the most part. Was someone telling me something? I think so.
Yes kidneys are fear... i also have alot of fear to release.