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Re: Niacin, depression, and liver problems? Need help!
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Re: Niacin, depression, and liver problems? Need help!

You can trace any kind of Depression to toxins in the body that fog up the functioning of the brain. The only other kind is something happened in your life that was very devastating.
Liver Flushing will get those toxins out of you, but it must be accompanied by a colon cleanse. There is so much in your liver including parasitic infestations, even at your age that will make you depressed. We live in a very toxic world where drugs and OTC drugs have taken priority over natural substances and herbs that are natural and balanced and contain the minerals and other ingredients we need to stay healthy. "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. Hippocrates. All toxins affect the liver and destroy liver as well as any other body tissue. The liver has to filter it all out of the blood and that pathway of elimination can get clogged up fast. It's normal to be healthy, so I would encourage you to do both the above and take some natural minerals and supplements that will help to give you the nutrients you need. Not man-made, mirror image supplements that are nothing more than drugs, too. You can't just put something IN and expect to get healthy. You've got to take those poisons OUT so your liver, colon and whole body can work normally again.


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