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Re: Stool test came back negative!
AngelofEventide Views: 2,037
Published: 11 y
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Re: Stool test came back negative!

First off, your doctor is an idiot. Going to a traditional MD is a complete and utter waste of time. When it comes to things like candida, parasites, heavy metals, leaky gut, etc. etc., they are completely clueless and uneducated and sadly their ignorance and egos are keeping people sick.. Find yourself a reputable ND (naturopath). The testing recommended to me by my ND is from From Genova Labs - GI Effects Comprehensive Profile, one from Metametrix called GI Effects Microbial Ecology profile (similar to the other one, but you do both of them to cross reference results) and a third saliva test (don't know the name of that yet) which is a specialized test for SIBO. She said between those tests, we should be able to find out what is going on. All are done out of your own home and you mail them to the labs. If you have PPO insurance, about half the cost will be covered or else you will pay out of pocket. Also, I would look into colon cleansing. As I read on here, and made such perfect sense, you will never get the candida out if your colon is congested and if you have candida, chances are it is. My ND recommended GI Fortify by Pure Encapsulations for this. I will be getting and starting it shortly. Hope this helps.


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