Re: Being led by God is a beautiful way to live!
How long has it been since you have read the Lord Jesus' words in the gospels spoken against the pharisees? From memory, He called them brood of vipers, hypocrites, whitewashed tombs, blind guides, liars, sons of the devil, etc etc etc. Yes doc, Jesus did rebuke those with stubborn hearts who rejected the Holy Spirit. When you so confidently state what you believe Lord Jesus would never do, you seem to have forgotten all about these many scriptures which show very clear examples to the contrary.
And the same Holy Spirit that lived in Lord Jesus and led Him 2000 years ago lives in His true followers today and will lead these followers in the same ways that Lord Jesus was led if only they will surrender to this Spirit's leading.
If you come into christian sites and willfully sin as you have done so many times in the past including as recently as just a month or so ago, i will seek to please God and not man with how i am to respond. If you are genuinely repented and if you choose Spirit living, abiding in Lord Jesus as a branch to the Vine, then my Lord who lives in me would never lead me to rebuke you.