To prevent heels from cracking...................
Glad to see you have the heels cured. I, too, had the problem for a long time.
Now I take some type of hand lotion and add some oil of some sort to the lotion. Olive oil, sunflower oil, etc. Each morning before I put on socks I rub a small bit of this lotion on my feet and the feet stay baby skin soft. And no more torn skin between toes either.
I also use this on my hands and they stay soft.
My favorite recipe is: pint of lotion
1 cap full of lavender oil
1 cap full of eucalyptus oil
1 cap full of rosemary oil
ounces sesame oil
I also add some good smelling oil. Right now I have one batch with jasmine oil and another with honeysuckle oi.
All measurements are approximate.
This mixture is a great rub for aches. It also clears most skin rashes. It will also cure athlete's foot within a week or two.