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Re: Index cases...
kwanyin Views: 3,832
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Re: Index cases...

any unvaccinated child can become the kindling of a chain reaction which can bloom to epidemic dimensions!

This is the ignorant illogical outright lie of the pro-vaccine agenda of the CDC/Big Pharma but it has NEVER BEEN EXPLAINED. So for this poster, ZOHO explain scientifically/medically how-an unvaccinated healthy, disease free, robust healthy child with a fully functioning intact immune system causes any kind of disease outbreak any where in the world.

I have not read where any outbreak started with an unvaccinated child. The pro vaccine//CDC bought media outlets that are publishing these garbage reports are not being specific purposely. The CDC knows that all they have to do is say "unvaccinated child" and the cult of the indoctrinated ignorant masses immediately jump high to the conclusion the outbreak started with an unvaccinated child. They know they have brainwashed you well. They spent enough money on it. The biggest part of a pharmaceutical companies business is on advertising.

If vaccines work what is your problem? The problem is you and other suffer from cognitive dissonance. Vaccine don't work and anytime you have an 90% vaccination rate among people who CONTRACTED the disease-it ain't working period. Have you ever heard of "viral vaccine shedding"? It's a common phenomenon the CDC/vaccine industry uses to juice up disease fears. The health dept. begins a series of vaccinating a community, the VACCINATED people have a live virus vaccines that sheds like-measles, mumps, influenza, hep B, other catch the disease from the VACCINATED and the 1-3 unvaccinated who get caught in the flow are blamed. This is an abhorrent practice your government engages in to scare the crap out of the uninformed and ignorant. Check it out: You will never look at vaccinated children the same!- Shedding Viruses:

Also check out the fact that vaccines aren't and don't work:
Waning Protection after Fifth Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine in Children:

Children receive the last dose of the vaccine, known as DTaP between ages 4 and 6. They get a booster shot in adolescence. But the problem with the DTaP vaccine according to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine, is that the vaccine is not effective after a certain period of time, and many are now speculating that its effectiveness is nil from the very first injection in the series. The study compared 277 children, ages 4 to 12, and found that a child’s odds of contracting pertussis increased 42 percent every year after the fifth dose.

Vaccine-induced escape mutant of hepatitis B virus.
The circulation of HBV encoding envelope mutations selected by antiviral agents requires further investigation to determine whether they may be transmitted and therefore represent a public health concern. This issue may be of particular relevance in populations
where genotype A is predominant.

A five-year-old girl, vaccinated against chicken pox (varicella-zoster virus (VZV)) recently presented with clinical symptoms of the disease. Therefore the diagnosis of a breakthrough varicella disease with the
vaccine strain was established. An immunodeficiency was ruled out. This case demonstrates that a child vaccinated against chicken pox does not exclude an infection with the vaccine strain.

An outbreak of chickenpox among a group of children in New Hampshire shows that the virus that causes chickenpox can be highly infectious even among those who have been vaccinated
SOURCE: The New England Journal of Medicine 2002;347:1909-1915, 1962-1963.

Children Worldwide Are Contracting The Very Diseases They Are Being Vaccinated Against:

You want to shoot yourself and yours up with toxins, poisons, random DNA fragments, formaldehyde, mercury, aborted fetal cells etc. that's your business but stop lying to people and scarring them into not getting the facts. Pregnant women for example are now getting 4 vaccine doses: Flu shot and DTaP

VLA Comment: There is no Science behind TDap (Boostrix by GSK) for pregnant mothers as a whooping cough preventative for the in-utero child. Where is the study that proves that giving the pregnant mother DTaP has given immunity to the birthed infant? The recommendation to give it to pregnant women is based on 40 rats (not primates). Although, they state there was no adverse effect such as malformations in the fetus, was there a long term study as the infant rats developed. Just because there is no obvious fetal malformations does not mean that the vaccine has not affected the future neurological development. Read the insert for yourself.

Package insert (Boostrix)

In fact all parents should read the package inserts on all vaccines and stop relying on your child's pediatrician to tell you the truth because either they suffer from willful ignorance and don't want to know the truth because they benefit from administrating vaccines. Yes, your Dr. is financially compensated for EVERY vaccine they give-price of the vaccine itself and an administration fee. Plus, insurance companies give bonuses for a certain percentage of vaccinated children in a practice. Some pediatrician practices are financially supported up to 80% by vaccination fees and well baby/children visits are done solely to administer vaccines. Your child is a commodity-not a human being.

I wait to hear how scientifically/medically how an unvaccinated healthy, disease free, robust healthy child with a fully functioning intact immune system causes any kind of disease outbreak any where in the world.

-please provide a double blind independent placebo based controlled study on the effectiveness and safety of any vaccine.
-please provide scientific evidence on ANY study which can confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of vaccines?
-please provide scientific evidence which can prove that disease reduction in any part of the world, at any point in history was attributable to inoculation of populations?


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