i am bipolar, and have tired many meds, lithium and depekote where the worst. ended up very sick in the hospital. they also ruin your liver and kidneys. i know take prozac, but will be changing soon. it does not help the anxiety. i have rapid cycling bipolar, which means my moods swing from hour to hour. most days are very hard, i try to fight against it. i have done a lot of reasearch on the subject,and havent come up with the perfect remedy. i am now doing some cleansing, and keeping my faith in god strong. many people are afraid of people like us, but i have a very happy marriage,and lots of friends. sometimes, it just takes over. very unpredictable. i now have bladder problems from taking those bad drugs. also upset my stomach very badly. i dont know which is worse, the illness or the drugs. i have tried counseling, that helped a little. what helps me the most is sharing with others. reading these posts makes me feel not so alone. bipolar makes you feel very alone. god bless, cloe