Re: 10 Health Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be Real
"its what you do every day ..."
Every day I try to gauge how much my #3 is manifesting from conscious choice versus a combination of results inherent from #1 and programmed/conditioned by #2.
1) heredity, 2) environment, 3) lifestyle, the variables of a formula that when applied - conception, birth, life, death - in this country alone, yields hundreds of millions of variations....results ...."bio-diversity"' .... the "it" which makes each of us different despite originating, with few possible exceptions, from the same basic stock.
As far as everyday choices .... there are none for #1 and a relative few for #2.... so #3 is where it must be for those that are truly free to style their life.
Even on the best of good days, you can't control the collective environment and the pollution and corruption that surrounds....the land ... in the air and airwaves ... in the water and food ... or even in your mind, but as long as the latter remains free enough to be willing, it can choose to try to lessen, turn down the flow ... perhaps turn off the tv or magazine or other flow from media that says it is okay, backed by the fda, to ingest fluoridated, carbonated, benzoated and artificially sugared water and the reality of how these harm your health is an unfounded conspiracy theory.