My first update on my treatment with Hylands Calendula Ointment (HCO). I'm on day 10 of use with the ointment and my lips are 85% normal. They peeled only the slightest bit in the shower today only because i couldn't stop licking them when I went out yesterday cause they felt so good. I tried putting on aquaphor today for the first time since using the HCO just to hydrate my lips for a second and wow did they react normally. No stickyness, no dead skin, and not slippery. I've also done some looking up on GERD and acid reflux as I believe that is the source of my problems. Idk if it was caused by Candida or what but I've been drinking diluted apple cider vinegar twice a day for a week and that really does something to relieve me of the anxiety that was brought on by the cheilitis. I have begun drinking a cup of warm water along with lemon juice first thing in the morning 20 mins before I eat because that naturally balances out the pH in the stomach. I've only begun doing all these things for 10 days since I got the HCO and have seen the most improvement since I got EC 7 months ago.
So in conclusion, my theory on how I got EC on whats been working so far. I wasn't eating much and the acid in my stomach built up leading to acid reflux and when I licked my lips my saliva was highly acidic so it was burning the protective layer off of my lips. Even more acid was built up in my stomach due to stress and that lead to more symptoms such as anxiety and depression.