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lowering calories vs exercise is the way to go for weight loss
John McCain 2008 Views: 768
Published: 11 y

lowering calories vs exercise is the way to go for weight loss

Took me awhile to come around to this argument, but I'm firmly there now. I always wondered why my workouts weren't really losing weight on the scale, something I could measure, could see. Then I went to the lower calories approach, with limited exercise...and that's where I saw pound per day results. Walah! Amazing isn't it? I could workout less but eat fewer calories, a trade I will gladly make.

Getting lean from 40 on in your life is the only way to go. You don't want to be all bulked up going into old age because you wont' be able to keep up the routines, I'm telling you right to your face you won't be able to maintain. LIfe takes over. It's tougher and tougher to maintain just the physique you have now, you won't be able to maintain better in old age. The retired wrestler look needs to be forgotten and go to the lean mall walker physique from 40 years on. Trust me, you'll love the feel of less pounds and the leaner look in your clothes as compared to the bulkier muscular look. It's a tough transition to go through in your mind, I did it, but one I think you'll thank me for later. Tall guys like me at 6'3" 215 lbs, just about right, might even go to 205 this summer. I wear a 36 waist and that has some room to give so I'm in the 35" area, 34 length. 215 looks good and lean, face comes in leaner, etc. I can tell the difference now between muscular 225 and lean 215...lean is better all around. And I don't have to exercise my brains out to achieve that.


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