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Re: Undeclyenic acid salt/timed release Betaine HCL??
Dr.Jeff Views: 4,068
Published: 11 y
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Re: Undeclyenic acid salt/timed release Betaine HCL??

The very first sentence is accurate. It is the most effective fatty acid and the most effective antifungal overall when considering medications, herbs, etc.

After that, the information gets mixed. Only the salt form is sensitive to pH. The salt forms are the sodium, potassium, and calcium undecylenate forms. Because of the increased alkalinity of an imbalanced intestinal ecosystem, the undecylenate salt forms don't work effectively. The effectiveness of the salt form is limited primarily to the stomach, if anywhere.

As far as caprylic acid verses undecenoic acid, undecenoic acid has already been shown to be 6x more effective.

Betaine hasn't been shown to increase the effectiveness of the salt form. Thorne Research sells the salt form in a product called Undecyn. I tried that many years ago and even recently and found it to be ineffective. Thorne tried adding a time-released betaine to their Undecyn product, which didn't improve the effectiveness of it. When Thorne ran out of undecenoic acid for 6 months, they tried encouraging everyone to switch to Undecyn, stating that they had improved it with time-released betaine. My Thorne rep said that there was a short increase in sales of Undecyn during that time, but it has since gone back down and undecenoic acid is still their best-seller.

It would be very difficult to acidify the intestinal tract with betaine without using very large doses. There is a constant process in place to regulate the pH. Thinking that it can be altered while maintaining balance doesn't seem to really work. Ascorbic acid is a good example of this. It doesn't take too much ascorbic acid present in the intestinal tract before you stimulate diarrhea.

Undecenoic acid was originally used in dosages of 20 grams a day. Our recommended dosage is less than 1 gram. One person was taking 3 bottles a day and only had an acid stomach from that dosage. You could have a very sensitive intestinal tract, but what you're saying is that you have ongoing inflammation of the intestinal tract.


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