Sulphur Sensitivity and Fibromyalgia Getting Worse With Detox!
Please help!! My sulphur sensitivity seems to be worse the more detox I do. Even before starting liver flush/colonics it was already happening.
I have Lyme, mercury, pesticide, yeast, MTHFR mutations, etc and since my family doesn't suffer with such allergies or Fibromyalgia/CFS I would assume it is the mercury toxicity that is causing all of this.
I know KPU minerals (Biopure Core) contains 100mcg Molybdenum (Krebs) and it works great for my kryptopyrroluria symptoms but I stopped after a few days due to copper dump (felt so rude and short with everyone right afterwards).
I then tried taking Molybdenum by itself ... Biotics Research Mo-Zyme ... Molybdenum (from vegetable culture) at 2 x 50mcg and immediately noticed an increase in my Fibromyalgia! Does this mean it is bad for me and I shouldn't take it anymore? Or is this a herx reaction and I should keep taking it?
What should I do? I heard "molybdenum amino acid chelate" is the best form we should be taking for Sulfur Sensitivities? Can anyone recommend where to purchase this?
Sugar foods increase my yeast symptoms (even breakfast cereal) ... so I am getting limited to what I can eat now :-(