I recieved treatment through a naturopath - private practioner therefore I paid for my treatment myself.Doctors would not believe it was possible for me to have multiple infections of parasites. I had an extensive travel history as well as pets and landscaping hobby/business. I had a parasitic infection as well as bacterial and fungal.My immunologist had no problem believing me when I did a history with him as it is totally possible with my disease. It wasnt hard to fiqure out what I was treating- hookworm Tapeworm and roundworm. I also tested positive for trichenella and toxoplasma. I also had gardia in my medical history. I did approxmately 7 rounds of vermox four to five rounds of albentezole, and two rounds of prazi- which worked the best as my infection was systemic within the year switching drugs and treatment up according to maturation times etc.
I also inhaled medication which was compounded by a pharmacist. I would estimate the treatment along with all the medication and supplements cost 15 - 20 thousand during the year.I was able to get medical support via other consults to get a diagnosis of my immune deficiency but it wasnt easy. I knew it wasnt "normal" to be so sick with multiple issues at one time. My immune deficiency affects about one in 50 thousand people.