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my father performed surgery more than once...drunk off his ass.
John McCain 2008 Views: 926
Published: 10 y

my father performed surgery more than once...drunk off his ass.

True statement, known by many in this Southern Illinois town. Hospital staff knew he was a drunk, but highly respected and liked by most. He was an alcoholic since day one and so were many of his doctor business partners and fellow surgeons at this well known hospital. One I know of even popped pills during surgeries to stay awake. And one person I know of personally to this day, dear ol dad was drunk when he performed on this person and a mistake was made. Now, this was long before medical malpractice was a daily routine for lawyers like it is now. He'd be out of business today. But in the 1970's, you didn't sue doctors. I've got so many true confessions that would curl your toes, I should write a book. I've got stuff your imagination could've conceive of.

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