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just by sheer luck and determination and a little thought, i developed a guaranteed cllmax technique for women.
John McCain 2008 Views: 1,861
Published: 11 y

just by sheer luck and determination and a little thought, i developed a guaranteed cllmax technique for women.

Don't know how or when I developed this technique for making a woman cum hard, by once I mastered it, couldn't fail. Multiple women, always worked, they always loved it. I was always a guy who wanted to please a woman first, hold my cum until she was totally spent and then cllmax myself with her. A giver of pleasure, if you will, just the way I wanted to be in bed. I get a great high off seeing her explode with pleasure multiple times during our time together. Well, I concentrated mainly on her clit, how could I control that area so much so that she could have a great experience every time it's tried? Through trial and error, I learned to control my "feel" or "touch" and circling method on her wet clitoris and at the same time use my left hand to plunge into her vagina and with my finger delicately massage the upper area of her vagina. All at the same time, guys. I'm circling her clit with one finger keeping a soft touch (very important) and plunging with the left hand finger or fingers. Well, needless to say, my sex partners got an cllmax to start, then when I'm mounting her I use that clit circling method with my thumb while thrusting my erection in her, she cllmaxs again, then one more time and we both cllmax. And all thanks to that technique I developed in college, during the early years of exploration into a woman's bod. I use that technique to this day...when she's not having a hot flash!


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