"I also recognize those who might have mental issues (worms), but I can't solve the worlds issues so I just move past it."
LOL. As a spokeswoman for those who have worms in their heads, and the many more who don't even know it, and the many who suspect it might be true, but don't want to know it, and the massive number of people who do but will never admit it, I can truly say this is very funny. I am not exactly sure why. Perhaps it has to do with telling a little kid to blow her nose into a kleenex. The kid shakes head no. Her mother insists to blow her nose… Blow, Blow! The kid can't blow, shakes her head no. The sensation is embedded of it being impossible to blow upon first attempt. It is a horrible memory. Worms get buried at that instant. Perhaps could have been blown out, perhaps not, deeply embedded instead. Worms hate laughter, please keep it coming. Too much happiness make worms die. Is there any hope please?