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Incredible Experience with Lugols - Iodine Drought
Hi All,
I had reported here how awesome it was that in three days my angina went away after taking Lugol's.
I was battling another condition which has never happened to me before, which is extreme scratchy and dry skin. This was telling me, for 13 months of without Iodine that I have Iodine drought and my body is crying for it. I was asked by my doctor (MD,ND) to stop Iodine. I was using Castor Oil daily for whole body in the morning and Magnesium lotion at night nothing helped, temporarily made the skin feel ok.
So now that I started to take Iodine again, on the fourth morning after staring Lugol's, I woke up with a total tranformtation, I felt my face and arms and my skin felt like baby's face. I was totally flaburgasted and ran to the mirror, I looked two years younger. I got looks and complements from co-workers. My skin has not itched for a week now and I am taking 30 drops every morning and I am following the evening prortocol to the T.
Please let me know if I am taking too much Iodine.
I cannot wait to tell my doctor this story, I hope he listens and keeps an open mind.
Thanks to all those who are always so supportive.
Simply amazing journey for me.