Dr. Lam once again
i dont get it ...
today i received this answer :
"This forum is for educational purposes can cannot be going into details with each person which is different. it will take hours to answer your question and yes i have many many questions a day. sorry cannot go into more detail. you are best to get more educated on your own and get a thorough work up which has to be completed still.
All The Best,
Dr. Lam "
"i am best to get more educated on my own ???? "....
how am i supposed to understand that?
i have asked him several questions....yes.... and i ve asked if its possible to get answers via email and not a phonecall coz i m not comfy speaking on the phone or listening to someone (who might even have an accent). Coz my mother-tongue is not english. Writing, having time to think what to write, reading etc is something else. But speaking on the phone is something else.
Well but that was the reply.
Of course i understand he cant go into detail with everyone. But what r they doing on the phone (i mean its for free too isnt it ???????? ) not going into details.
Can someone explain me how its different in a phonecall (thats for free too ???? ).