Paleodro, bro, I got the same things from D3 without magnesium, and there were still issues after adding Mg. I had hyperactivity when I first tried it (used a 50,000 iu self-taken dose in the middle of an insomnia), and didn't really sleep good n' proper until I added magnesium. plus I fell in the weirdnesses that result from using Mg -oxides from the grocery store.
i'm glad to hear the mk4 is working out well!
I've been following Ferventer's advice with a Vit A 5:1 ratio to vit D (I do 'bout 20,000 iu A to 5000 iu D3 right now, until I run out of the 5,000 iu capsules). the Life Extention super K is pretty good on k2 (1,000 iu Mk4, 200 iu Mk7 ), and I do feel a bit better after using it, when detox symptoms are cropping up..!