Greasy face
So, I've been cure for a couple of weeks now, and the paranoia's slowly fading, but there is still one persistent problem.
For some reason my face (mostly my nose) gets greasy on a daily basis. This isn't new, it's been happening ever since the odor started. After a while I figured the two might be connected, but idk now.
I got rid of the odor more than a month ago by doing a bowel cleanse, and I thought the greasy face would go away eventually too, but it hasn't.
Does anyone else have this problem? Enough answers to this question might help me figure out whether the two problems are indeed connected.
When I was doing a strict raw food diet (fruits and veggies only), the grease disappeared almost completely. I'm back on a raw food diet now, but I take protein powder now for my workouts and the grease has increased noticeably, so I can conclude that the problem has to do with protein, but what exactly? Improper digestion? Idk.
Again, if anyone knows anything, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say. Thanks.