Thanks faith but copper toxicity causes biounavailable copper. Which in turn in part casues probelms with high histamine. I do not chelate copper I agree but am wary of it big time. The last 3 days i have slept like a dream for the first time in 2014. Id realized that copper is in my calcium supplement (more than i thought and double the zinc does) that I have being taking for 2 years. also I eat too much dark choc and beans whih ontain copper.
To me histamine is seconddary to other problems like copper toxicity, liver congestion. i may be wrong in that histadelia does seem to be a genuine genetic condition.
For me though histamine causes occasional symptoms (itching, tingling, phlegm, sneezing) but much less than years ago now that my diet is good. Whereas too much copper and Im up all night (i have tested this many times and know that i can manage histamine at night time) and very emotionally distressed.