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Re: Update on tonsillectomy
fcbm10 Views: 4,848
Published: 11 y
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Re: Update on tonsillectomy

Hi everyone I just had my tonsillectomy done yesterday. I am 22 yrs old and and the recovery isn't so bad yet I'm on the second day and I'm sitting up and watching tv just a sore throat nothing major. I'm hoping that the tonsillectomy will cure my bad breath. I also live in Canada so the procedure was free thank god. All my friends in their honest opinion said I don't have bad breath or bad Body Odor but I would get reactions by people on the bus plus I would have this poo smell taste in my breath and saliva. I have a crazy good oral hygiene and it's weird after brushing I would have bad breath again. I do get tonsil stones but were not visible and they stunk like shit only once in a while and have like yellow saliva when I spit. Just for the people who are suffering from bad breath just don't give up and find a solution for yourself sometimes u have to take risks just like I did get the tonsillectomy even thought it may or may not work


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