ok dummies who voted for obama...twice...hows it going for ya?
I love the Obama economy, absolutely love it. I hire on the cheap and have a line out the door waiting. Money's tight so I buy on the cheap. I've checked out of politics for the last few years because you dummies wanted someone "historic" and "black" and "cool"...regardless of if he could manage anything, that's not important. Now you all find out why it's important. But I say, "Deal with it", you wanted this society, this concentration of homosexuality and their plight vs. really tackling the economy and it's real, deep problems.
I'm in mortgages...it's bad out there, folks. Industry is going through bad times right now. Loan officers are not making money, leads are drying up because everybody who had refinanceable rates, have done so already. I'm putting people in 15 and 20 year loans, but you better come ready for a strong appraisal and good credit and great job history. Jobs are not paying these days.
But I have to be honest, America needs an economic enema once in a while because we are a stupid fickle people when it comes to our leaders. Tough Love they call it, well...you out there who voted for Obama and are on food stamps, unemployed or underemployed, having to scrounge to pay the bills...you deserve this life. Blame no one else but yourself. I don't even blame Obama. He is who you all knew he was...incompetent, over his head, and educated fool with the gift of gab. You bought that bridge to nowhere. Forget Sarah Palin, you dummies bought and paid for a bridge to nowhere. Think about that when I turn you down for a refinance loan and you're stuck in a once-proud home undervalued and on the decline.