Re: Folate - Friend, then Foe!! Please advise.
I've read that happening to quite a few people with methylation issues. It happened to me too.
I think, if you're a slow methylator that taking the active folate really gets things going again within all the methylation cycles (nitric oxide cycle, neurotransmitters cycle etc). So that's why you feel great initially.
Then there's the about-turn of symptoms as you describe which could be then the release of years worth of accumulated toxins, and just the general balancing of these cycles once more after being so imbalanced and operating 'wonky' for years.
It's just like with cleansing/detoxing/fasting. Initially a person the first 3 days feels clearer, more energetic etc despite being on a strict cleanse or even without food, only liquid - there's an initial clear-out of the system which seems to boost energy, clarity etc - then as the cleanse continues it begins to work deeper into the tissues to release accumulated toxins and the classic 'herx' symptoms begin.
Methylation cycles are quite complex - Dr yasko has a great site and free e-book (aimed at autism but applies a great deal to anyone with methylation issues/ neurotransmitter imbalances/ digestive issues / genetic defects of these cycles)She has a great chart that details exactly the cycles and what elements are involved. Worth checking into.
You could try to lower your dose of 1000mg folate down to 250mg....and stay at that dose for a good while. It's about controlling the cycles and not forcing them with high amounts of folate to start working again. See it as trying to slow down the detox/balancing/adjustment speed of the cycles.
Niacin is often recommended to take if the folate/B12 regime makes you feel anxious/panic etc. I took a massive dose once (i didn't know better at the time) and i flushed like a beetroot - felt very nauseous - but the next day was as calm as a cucumber with lots of energy!
So try to go slow with the methylation adjustments. Check out Dr Ben Lynch's website - there's a message board on there with sooo much info about this protocol and he answers many questions people ask him. A great info hub on methylation.
Good luck :-)