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mariposa123 Views: 1,834
Published: 11 y


I think I might have overdone it. I was experimenting with high dose Lugols for the past 2 weeks (about a 1/2 gram/day give or take) and I felt like I was finally making some progress. I was taking about 150 in water in the morning, then filling a 00 capsule 2 or 3 times more later in the day. I had great energy, my sleep was better than in years, and my temperature was finally running at almost 98.6. But a few days ago I started getting severe heartburn after taking my caps and had to stop. I hope I am not developing an allergy or sensitivity.

I've been taking selenium and salt and mag, maybe not a ton of vitamin C but maybe that was best if my stomach lining was eroding. I am switching to Iodoral for now, although I cannot afford to take it for long in high doses.

Is there any way to stay on high dose Lugol's and avoid this problem? I had eaten before one of the problem doses, could that have diluted my stomach acid too much? Or should I just pulse dose for only a few days at a time to allow my esophagus/stomach to heal in between?

I have some SSKI , but I prefer Lugol's. I'm a Breast Cancer survivor and I feel the elemental has been particularly beneficial for me. Thanks all.


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