I would see a Chiropractor, if you haven't already. Do the Candida Plan to bring your body back into balance. It sounds like you have chronic inflammation of the nervous system. It's generally nothing that will show up in testing and is primarily due to past antibiotic use, which primes the brain for inflammation. The removal of amalgams probably increased it a bit. Anything that increases inflammation in your body will increase it in the brain. Brain fog is a sign of inflammation.
Every time you take antibiotics, you kill more bacteria and dump more bacterial toxins (Lipopolysaccharides -LPS) into the circulation which then increases the brain inflammation.
In 1999, researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that 96% of all sinus infections are fungal. Past antibiotic use creates systemic fungal candida, which drives inflammation in the body, as inflammation helps to promote the growth of candida.