Re: emergency
Ms Tara,
What you are experiencing and describing is common enough.
I almost say don't worry about it. Do worry but don't cut yourself up about the relapse. Not a big issue: belly, discomfort and all. Re-feeding is the toughest part of a fast and calls for more self-discipline than the fast.
It really is a settle yourself down moment. If you can handle it correctly from now you will loose few of the fasting benefits.
Possible ideas for food control:
Do you have sympathetic support? Can you keep them engaged and supportive of your situation? Can you ask them to help you: organise your meals, eat with you, talk about the organised next meal? Enjoy the relaxation between your meals and the increases in energy. And the sensations of your "new body".
Some people benefit by separating food preparation from eating. Plan your meals a day or more beforehand. Organise your meal an hour or more beforehand. Enjoy the not eating time. Take time and enjoy the preparations, enjoy the space between preparation and eating. Totally enjoy slowly eating when the time actually comes. "Marking out" the "ground" around eating can be powerful.
Yep, cool it down a little and realise properly handled there are few issues with your relapse.